Russian scientists are trying to use helium for the treatment of coronavirus. The tests are based on the Institute of emergency care. N. V. Sklifosovsky AGN Moscow / Alexander Avilov Director of the research Institute of emergency care named Sklifosovsky Sergey Petrikov suggested the use of helium for the treatment of patients with coronavirus Russian scientists are trying to use helium for the treatment of coronavirus. The tests are based on the Institute of emergency care. N. V. Sklifosovsky, according to the website of the Department of health of Moscow. The development of special helium of the device has sparked interest in the United States and France. According to experts, helium can prevent oxygen deficiency and to promote early prevention of complications associated with the coronavirus. 15 minutes of breathing pre-heated to 92 degrees oxide, helium allows to increase blood flow in the lungs and reduce airway resistance, causing an effect equal to the sauna. At thecoy temperatures may reduce activity of the virus, but the patient will not experience discomfort from high temperatures, say scientists. According to them, the helium improves blood circulation and microcirculation, the violation of which is one of the main causes of death from the coronavirus. Oxide helium is only mentioned in the official report destava. Director of the research Institute of pulmonology FMBA Alexander Chuchalin reported to President Vladimir Putin about the feasibility of treatment of the virus with the help of gas mixtures of helium and nitrogen oxide, says RBC. Previously, Director of the research Institute of emergency care named Sklifosovsky Sergey Petrikov suggested the use of helium for the treatment of patients with coronavirus. Domestic apparatus for the treatment with helium at the moment are in test mode. It is reported that the development has already attracted significant interest in ten countries, including France and the United States. As previously told in an interview to “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Professor, Department of hospital therapy research Institute named after Pirogov Alexander Karabinenko, helium for several years is used in the treatment of acute pulmonary diseases. This technique, however, is only used in specialized clinics as it requires special equipment, which is more expensive than the devices of artificial ventilation of lungs. Sri behalf of the Sklifosovsky also applies in the fight against coronavirus by transfusion of blood plasma containing antibodies to the new coronavirus infection. Doctors note that patients who received a transfusion of blood plasma recovered from coronavirus, cope with the illness faster and without serious complications. Two Muscovites who were transfused donor plasma, was discharged from the hospital 10 days after treatment, the third patient was discharged after 14 days. Two patients were treated at the Institute of emergency care Sklifosovsky, the third – in the city clinical hospital N52. Meanwhile, the employees of Emory University.ETA found that up to 30% of patients with coronavirus will never be able to produce antibodies in the proper amount, so that they have a protection against re-infection and transfusion in the end may prove useless. For example, 10 patients as low levels of antibodies that could not be detected by the test. About 40% had an average level of antibodies and 14% had a high level. On average, patients develop antibodies within 10-15 days after infection. Russia is among the ten countries by the number of people infected with coronavirus. In recent days the whole country was 4774 people died, 42 people, recovered 471 people. The total number of infected reached 62 773, dead – 555, recovered – 4891.
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